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Click here for VELSIPITY▼ (etrasimod) Prescribing Information. Adverse event reporting can be found at the bottom of the page.




Unmet NeedEfficacyEfficacy Home PageTrial DesignClinical RemissionEndoscopic ImprovementCorticosteroid-Free RemissionIsolated ProctitisBio/JAKi Subgroups DataInduction RespondersSymptomatic ResponseBowel UrgencySafetyAdverse eventsPooled and Interim Safety DataSpecial Warnings and PrecautionsCardiac and Ocular Adverse ReactionsGetting StartedGetting StartedContraindications and Interactions

Pre-first Dose Testing

VELSIPITY is indicated for the treatment of patients 16 years of age and older with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC) who have had an inadequate response, lost response, or were intolerant to either conventional therapy, or a biological agent.1

Up to 2.5 years of pooled safety data from 3 randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (one Phase II and two Phase III) and interim data from the ongoing OLE studies:3

Scroll left to view table
(phase 2 and phase 3 studies)*
(phase 2 and phase 3 , OLE)†‡§
% of patients with an event
(exposure-adjusted incidence rates per 100 PY)
(n=629; 288.1 PY)
(n=314; 115.1 PY)
(n=956; 769.3 PY)
Any AE leading to study
treatment discontinuation
5% (0.11) 3% (0.07) 7% (0.08)
Serious AEs 5% (0.1) 5% (0.15) 7% (0.09)
Death 0 0 0.1% (<0.01)
Serious infections 1% (0.01) 2% (0.04) 2% (0.02)
Herpes zoster <1% (<0.01) 1% (0.02) 1% (<0.01)
Opportunistic infections** <1% (<0.01) <1% (<0.01) <1% (<0.01)
Bradycardia 2% (0.04) 0% (0) 2% (0.02)
AV block, first degree <1% (<0.01) 0% (0) <1% (<0.01)
AV block, second degree
(Mobitz type 1)
<1% (<0.01) 0% (0) <1% (<0.01)
Hypertension 2% (0.04) 1% (0.03) 2% (0.03)
Macular edema <1% (<0.01) <1% (<0.01) <1% (<0.01)
Malignancies 0% (0) 0% (0) <1% (<0.01)
Alanine aminotransferase
2% (0.04) 1% (0.02) 3% (0.03)
Gamma-glutamyl transferase
2% (0.04) 1% (0.02) 3% (0.04)
PRES 0 0 0

  • Discontinuation rates were 4% for patients treated with VELSIPITY and 5% for placebo in ELEVATE UC 522
  • In the ELEVATE trials, the overall rate of infections and rate of serious infections in patients treated with VELSIPITY was comparable to that in patients who received  placebo (18.8% vs 17.7% and 0.6% vs 1.9%, respectively). VELSIPITY increased the risk  of urinary tract infections and lower respiratory tract infections1
*Placebo-controlled cohort: Patients who received either placebo or VELSIPITY as part of one Phase II study (VELSIPITY 1 or 2 mg for 12 weeks; NCT02447302) or two Phase III studies (VELSIPITY 2 mg for 12 or 52 weeks; NCT03945188 and 

NCT03996369).3 A total of 577 patients received VELSIPITY 2 mg/day and 52 patients received 1 mg/day.3 VELSIPITY 1 mg is not a licensed dose. The only licensed dose in the UK is 2 mg.1 
†All UC cohort: All patients who received ≥1 dose of VELSIPITY (NCT02447302, NCT03945188, NCT03996369, 

NCT02536404, NCT03950232, and open-label period of NCT04176588; data cutoff January 31, 2022).3
‡1 event of death occurred in the all UC cohort; this was a serious AE of neuroendocrine tumour resulting in death that was 
assessed by the investigator as unlikely related to study treatment. The patient received VELSIPITY 2 mg for approximately 24.3 weeks before the onset of the event.3 

§No events of PRES were reported.3 However, rare cases of PRES have been reported in patients receiving S1P receptor 
modulators; PRES is listed as a special warning and precaution for use in the SmPC. If PRES is suspected, treatment with 
VELSIPITY should be discontinued.1
**Opportunistic infections were identified using the MedDRA (version 24.1) Standardised Medical Query Opportunistic 
Infections (narrow scope). Infections identified using this search strategy included cytomegalovirus infection and herpes 
simplex meningitis (2 VELSIPITY patients), and tuberculosis (1 placebo patient).3 

††Bradycardia events (including MedDRA preferred terms of bradycardia and sinus bradycardia) occurred in the VELSIPITY 2 mg dose groups; no events in placebo.3

*Placebo-controlled cohort: Patients who received either placebo or VELSIPITY as part of one Phase II study (VELSIPITY 1 or 2 mg for 12 weeks; NCT02447302) or two Phase III studies (VELSIPITY 2 mg for 12 or 52 weeks; NCT03945188 and NCT03996369).3 A total of 577 patients received VELSIPITY 2 mg/day and 52 patients received 1 mg/day.3 VELSIPITY 1 mg is not a licensed dose. The only licensed dose in the UK is 2 mg.1 
†All UC cohort: All patients who received ≥1 dose of VELSIPITY (NCT02447302, NCT03945188, NCT03996369, 
NCT02536404, NCT03950232, and open-label period of NCT04176588; data cutoff January 31, 2022).3
‡1 event of death occurred in the all UC cohort; this was a serious AE of neuroendocrine tumour resulting in death that was assessed by the investigator as unlikely related to study treatment. The patient received VELSIPITY 2 mg for approximately 24.3 weeks before the onset of the event.3 
§No events of PRES were reported.3 However, rare cases of PRES have been reported in patients receiving S1P receptor modulators; PRES is listed as a special warning and precaution for use in the SmPC. If PRES is suspected, treatment with VELSIPITY should be discontinued.1
**Opportunistic infections were identified using the MedDRA (version 24.1) Standardised Medical Query Opportunistic Infections (narrow scope). Infections identified using this search strategy included cytomegalovirus infection and herpes simplex meningitis (2 VELSIPITY patients), and tuberculosis (1 placebo patient).3 
††Bradycardia events (including MedDRA preferred terms of bradycardia and sinus bradycardia) occurred in the VELSIPITY 2 mg dose groups; no events in placebo.3


Special warning and precautions

Read about the special warnings and precaustions that should be taken into account before initialising VELSIPITY treatment. 

AE – adverse event; AV – atrioventricular; MedDRA – Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities; OLE – open-label extension; PRES – posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; PY – patient-year; S1P – sphingosine-1-phosphate; UC – ulcerative colitis.References:
1. VELSIPITY Summary of Product Characteristics 
2. Sandborn WJ et al. Lancet 2023;401(10383):1159-1171 
3. Vermeire S et al. Poster P490 presented at the 18th Congress of European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Safety ProfileCardiac and ocular adverse events
PP-V1A-GBR-0021. September 2024

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search 

for MHRA Yellow Card in Google Play or Apple App Store


Adverse events should also be reported to Pfizer Medical Information on 01304 616161

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