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UC is the most common type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).1 IBD is the definition of a group of diseases that cause long-term inflammation in the digestive system, which can lead to considerable damage on the digestive organs and make it harder for them to function.2,3
The exact cause of IBD is unknown, but it is thought to involve a combination of genes, the immune system and environmental factors.3,4
Uncontrolled UC shows up as inflammation in the large intestine (colon) and rectum, and only affects the innermost lining of these organs. This inflammation can lead to painful sores, such as ulcers, which can then bleed and cause blood in stools (the main symptom of UC).4,5
Explore here how uncontrolled UC may manifest in patients. Learn how this may affect patients’ perception of and treatment expectations for UC. Gain insights into the prevalence and impact of uncontrolled UC and familiarise yourself with tools that were designed to aid in bridging the gap between healthcare professionals and patients to strive for alignment on treatment goals.
Identifying the
unspoken realities behind uncontrolled UC
Why might patients with UC settle for “OK”?
The prevalence and impact of uncontrolled UC
Resources to help
look beyond “OK” for patients’ UC
Click here for Xeljanz®(tofacitinib citrate) Prescribing information and click here for VELSIPITY▼ (etrasimod) Prescribing Information.
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*The ABPI Code definition for healthcare professional is members of the medical, dental, pharmacy and nursing professionals and any other persons who in the course of their professional activities may administer, prescribe, purchase, recommend or supply a medicine.
PP-UNP-GBR-7812. January 2024.