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The functional impact of migraine is worsened by more severe pain, more frequent attacks and higher burden in the interictal period (between attacks).1-4
of 18,968 people with migraine reported severe impairment or the need for bed rest during a migraine attack.5
of 4,022 people with migraine reported significantly reduced involvement or enjoyment in family activities each month.2
of 13,061 people with migraine reported that migraine had adversely affected their career.6
of 13,061 people with migraine reported worry about long-term financial security. 22.8% reported worry about losing their job.6
of 441 people with headaches reported that their colleagues did not accept their headaches.7
Migraine can be associated with many medical comorbidities, occurrence of which may be related to frequency of migraine attacks.8-11
Comorbidities may exacerbate migraine, complicate diagnosis and treatment and increase migraine-related disability.9
The indirect costs of migraine due to work loss and reduced productivity at work are much larger than the direct costs.12,13
Work productivity is reduced for people with migraine versus people without migraine.9,14
Equivalent workdays lost due to absenteeism and presenteeism:15
86 million per year in the UK = 11.4 days per person per year
Based on data from 2016.15
Estimated cost to the UK economy due to absenteeism and presenteeism:15
£5.6 billion - £8.8 billion per year
Based on data from 2016.15
The direct costs of migraine include cost of:12
It is estimated that the NHS spends around £150 million per year on treating migraine16
In a pathway developed and trialled in Oxfordshire, a headache consultant triages referrals to allow patients with migraine to be diagnosed and treated in the community.
In the 3-month pilot:
Most patients are now seen in the community clinic
94% of patients receive a diagnosis of migraine; 25% are diagnosed with medication overuse headache
81% of patients rated their care in the community clinic as 'excellent' in a satisfaction survey
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PP-UNP-GBR-7812. January 2024