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Adverse event reporting can be found at the bottom of the page
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Adverse event reporting information can be found at the bottom of the page.
All patient quotes are fictional, used to represent possible individual patient experiences. Not all patients will have the same experience.
"I try to be strong for my family, but there are days when all I can do is hide under the covers until it subsides. I just want to be present for my daughter, and be able to pick her up from school and play with her, rather than relying on other people."
"People at work would tell me to sleep more, stop drinking coffee or take ibuprofen. My boss expected me just to get on with things. So I didn’t go to the doctor - until things got much worse."
NICE recommends that during discussions with a patient with a headache disorder, the clinician should offer "recognition that headache is a valid medical disorder that can have a significant impact on the person and their family or carers."5
Including the effects on functional disability, lifestyle and work/ education, as well as the frequency and severity of attacks and most bothersome symptom(s)
Is it pain freedom? Faster recovery? The ability to continue with activities during the migraine attack?
Not just based on response and side effects, but also:
Do they have a high pill burden? Is nausea making oral tablets hard to take? Are they confident with self-injection?
In a meta-analysis of 21 studies, the following treatment preferences were identified for patients with migraine:13
Acute treatment
Preventive treatment
"I was having fewer migraines but they were still debilitating, and I felt awful for days afterwards. I was afraid my GP might only focus on the number of migraines I was having but thankfully she asked me about how I was coping and whether I felt the meds worked, and we decided together to try a different option."
Some patients may experience:2
The RightCare: Headache and Migraine Toolkit suggests improvements that can be made to the provision of headache/ migraine care, focusing on four domains:6
Diaries and symptom tracking
Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search
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Adverse events should also be reported to Pfizer Medical Information on 01304 616161
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*The ABPI Code definition for healthcare professional is members of the medical, dental, pharmacy and nursing professionals and any other persons who in the course of their professional activities may administer, prescribe, purchase, recommend or supply a medicine.
PP-UNP-GBR-7812. January 2024